Photorealism is an outdoor exhibit of work by Sterling Allen.
The entire show takes place on the exterior grounds of an overlook-able, un-leased building on West Anderson Lane. Constructed both in his studio and on site, each artwork exists in conjunction with the surrounding environment, slipping between obvious and invisible.
Subscribers will be emailed links to a map to the site and information about the works starting December 2, 2020. The show concludes December 19.

Found objects, plywood, nails, epoxy
27½ x 16¼ x 15 inches
Organizer’s Statement
Sterling Allen has been making installations outside for a few years now. Because he does this without formal permission, the pieces must be installed, photographed, and promptly removed. Thus, the installations exist in pictures, and that creates a problem not uncommon in contemporary life. Think of this project as a stretch in two opposite directions: on one hand, Sterling insists on the complex artistic importance of place; on the other hand, he prompts himself to communicate that complexity only in pictures. Photorealism is the first formal outdoor exhibition within this ongoing practice.
—Emily Lee