September 1–October 5

New paintings of the body-less body by Mai Snow, their first solo show in Texas and at Northern-Southern.

Empty clothes stand on their own, filled with sharp scribbles. Toes and fingers have larger families. Socks repeat. Chairs wait. Clouds of shout outs array like beaches in oil pastels. Love in sharp oils. Poetry painting. Pain-killers.

Opening Reception: Sunday, September 1, 6-8pm

Artist Run Club: Wednesday, September 4, 6:30am

Visiting Hours: Thursday–Sunday, 2-6pm, beginning September 5, or by appointment

Email and we’ll send you a checklist of works.

Mai Snow, Piece Of Electricity

Mai Snow
Piece of Electricity, 2024
oil on canvas
36 x 36 inches
Mai Snow in their studio, summer 2024

Mai Snow is a trans nonbinary, immigrant from Polevskoy, Russia, who lives and makes art between Austin and Valentine, a rural Texas town near Big Bend. Snow received their MFA from University of Texas at Austin in 2020 and their BFA from Maine College of Art in 2013. They are the co-creator of Shed~Shows, a DIY art garage in Austin.