paths and directions, considered
outdoors Austin, Texas, and beyond
Adreon Denson Henry
Alyssa Taylor Wendt
Amanda Julia Steinback
Amy Scofield & Lisa Hallee
Chris Lyons
Emma Hadzi Antich
Laura Latimer
Sean Ripple
Staci Maloney & Michelle Smolensky
Tammy West
Ted Carey
Zoe Berg
TO is a group show of paths and directions considered as art experience installed outdoors, in semi-wild public spaces across Austin, Texas, and beyond.
TO will be an active concern until March 7, 2021, when it will renew as TOO with additional works.
The work in TO can most broadly speaking be called wild art. The media encompasses audio tours, trails, portals, sculpture, digital media, instructions, new land-marks, way-finding marks, sibyls, remote running sessions, and care stations. The work asks you to walk with it, around it, between it, by it, to it.
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Organizer’s Statement
We approach the tip of a new era, the last waning moon before a new lunar year. The year of the Rat passes. The year of the Ox dawns.
The end of the pandemic feels, hopefully, closer. Sooner than a flinch a new time will engulf us. We will resume, but not from where we left off. If we claim the strength to build anew—where to marshal our efforts? Where to?
TO is the pause before the lurch. TO is the pointed toe leading a pitch.
Work in this show may answer questions, and may propose others. They may also just be enjoyed, and not just in still contemplation. Many of these works ask you to walk with them, or even run.
TO is third in Northern-Southern’s trilogy of group exhibitions of wild art, responses to the Covid Pandemic.
—Phillip Niemeyer