OCT–DEC 2013

Ben DiPietro
Brandon Durham
Carlos Orozco
Chris Lyons & Alan Watts (C.L.A.W.)
Dan Forbes
Jené DeSpain
Kristen Scott
Mary Becky Cortez
Mike Reddy
Ryan Junell

The first show at the 1800 Koenig space was LUCK, an inquiry into the nature, culture, and experience of fortune.

Dan Forbes, photographs of four and five leaf clovers, installation view
Ben DePietro
Carlos Orozco
“The Eye of the Pyramid” is a game of pure chance with a single button. One in hundred wins. Every other push loses with different amounts of build up.
Brandon Durham
Durham is a programmer and designer. He created a website that logs a users’ favorite number and why. For the site he designed a custom set of numbers.