Nov 3–Dec 1

Joseph Phillips

An artist and home-builder Joseph Phillips thinks a lot about how people shape and replicate nature. His first solo show in six years,“‘SCAPES”, imagines built environments of absurd survival luxuries and compartmentalized dreams. The clean, exact gouaches have a sunny hardness and a canny sense of the dismal. The work is political, complex, and fantastic.

Download catalog (PDF)

Deadline OCT 9, 2018

Register to Vote in Travis County

Register to vote by mail. You cannot reliably register to vote online. Here’s a link to a printable pdf form:


Only valid for Travis County, Texas. You can get these postcards, free, at any Pubic Library or at Northern-Southern gallery. The postcards can be mailed postage free.If you can’t get to a library or N-S, print this out, sign and mail.

Deadline: Before October 9, 2018