Aug 18 – Sep 12

a celebration of creative living
Stella Alesi
Kel Brown
Cattywampus Press
Rachel Freeman
Robert Jackson Harrington
Adreon Henry
Matt Macomber
Ryan Sandison Montgomery
Phillip Niemeyer
Deb Norris
Gretchen Phillips
Mike Reddy
Beth Schindler
Elaine I-Ling Shen
Amanda Julia Steinback
Donya Stockton
Leslie Webb
Alyssa Taylor Wendt
Celebrate creative living at Northern–Southern with a group show of art, design, and other things that people make. Experimental and low-stakes, the show is a summer rejuvenation of purpose, an answer of why.
The catalog features a short interview with each contributor, asking why they make and why they made the thing that’s in the show.