July 20, 2020 – July 24, 2021


an additive show by relay

Brad Tucker
Adreon Henry
Dan Hurlbut
Ric Nelson
Emma Hadzi Antich
André Fuqua
Naomi Schlinke
Leon Alesi
Matt Steinke
Sev Coursen
Dawn Okoro
Vy Ngo
Tyeschea West
Jimmy Luu
James Turner
Stella Alesi
Emily Lee
Phillip Niemeyer
Rachel Freeman
& ...


Beginning July 2020, Northern–Southern gallery hosts an ever-evolving installation by a series of artists working in turn. BATON is a continuous installation by relay. Work has been added month-by-month. Some objects were moved around, but little left. New work is still being added.

BATON began last summer in the midst of an indefinite lock down. The artists mingled in the space, distanced by time. The show began sparse, like country land about to become a town. Large works spread out without concern for space. Now, a year in, the gallery is dense with overlapping intentions. Work adjusts, converses, and layers: a community.


The COVID pandemic presents an opportunity to expand our conceptions of art spaces and art shows.

We cannot responsibly host crowds, but Northern-Southern gallery is safe for a single artist, or two, masked and distanced. BATON is a group workshop for a single participant at a time.

The participants’ intentions and actions may pile on top of each other as months pass, lacquers of successive nows. The overall show—for most experienced only as documentation—could encompass the walls in every way they are and as they were. Northern-Southern is an art time-space.

The participants in BATON will be encouraged to experiment, to push the parameters of their practice. They may use the space to install work that want to see in a gallery context, or ignore “art” and just do things. They may hang the work of another artist. They can rearrange what was there previous, or make work that reacts to it or re-contextualizes it. Or all the above.

BATON will never be, it will continuously become, until we drop the baton at the end of our run.

—Phillip Niemeyer, July 2020