Nov 5 – Dec 18

Laura Lit


Animal-sized painted wall reliefs of wood, resin, and clay suggest sentience. Each is a deliberate dreaming, a spirit made solid, a tether to within.

Laura Lit: Far In ‘zine [pdf] – with images of the work and an interview with Lit.

Inquire about available works.

For Far In, Laura Lit summoned the full range of her experience: as painter, and from her work in film makeup, special effects, and architectural restoration. She composes the forms by meditation, or before sleep. Only when it is honed does she commit the design to paper, usually in a single drawing. Lit works alone, without assistance or fabrication. She jigsaws wood skeletons, sculpts molds, fine brushes oils, pours dyed resins, until something on the wall lives.

FAR IN is on the forefront of what abstraction could become again, post Hilma af Klint: spiritual, deeply imagined, ur-real.

Laura Lit: Atomic
Laura Lit
Atomic, 2021
wood, foam, paperclay, resin, acrylic, oil
34″ x 42″ x 3″