Nov 23–Jan 4

Two entwined solo shows by Emma Hadzi Antich and Christos Pathiakis, in the gallery and outdoors.

last weekend!

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Jan 2-4
2–6 pm

closing reception and artist talks
Saturday, January 4

Let Loose

Emma Hadzi Antich paints living symbols: the woman, the mountain, the column, the hand in isolation. They are rendered icon-flat but warm, still but breathing. In her mountain-scapes, fabric, grass, and limbs billow soft against jagged rock. In a small, round portrait, a flower blooms from an open mouth on a tender neck. In each work, her last, bright brushstrokes create hotspots of light on rock, petal, and human figure. Hadzi Antich works from a home studio, surrounded by family, goats, and books. Her paintings are dispatches of introspection—vivid, cerebral, and sensual—made in reverence to nature and as a plea from the alienated.


Over the last year Christos Pathiakis photographed locations where people perceived a joining of worlds — liminal, sacred sites that inspire fear, wonder, and reverence. In Greece he explored caves on the slopes of Mt Parnassus, sanctuaries on the holy island of Delos, and mines on the Cycladic island of Serifos. He  traveled to the Yucatán, into the wilds along the Ruta Puuc, to photograph unrestored Maya sites. The work was perilous and physically arduous. In Greece he descended rock slopes on a broken foot, while in Mexico he often required guides and machetes to hike miles into the jungle.

Off-site artworks

In an overgrown lot near a cul de sac off Springdale, Hadzi Antich buries a disembodied hand in a live animal cage trap trap, and bricks it in like the walled gardens of her painting. Deep in the Barton Creek Greenbelt, Pathiakis honors a place that shares a transformational presence.

Maps to each outside location will be available in the gallery. 

Emma Hadzi Antich
Christos Pathiakis
Jul 14–Aug 20

Emma Hadzi Antich
Jade Walker
Jason Stopa
Logan Larsen
Matthew Langland
Sarah Fagan
Tim Thompson

For Titles, seven artists show artworks with the books (plays, poems, novels, comics, zines, and records) that inform and inspire them.

Emma Hadzi AntichThe Wood Demon by Anton Chekhov
Jade WalkerAncient Flowers by Chika Sagawa
Jason StopaThe Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachaelard
Logan LarsenThe Rainbow Review
Matthew Langland The Vault of Horror
Sarah FaganJane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Tim ThompsonPink Moon by Nick Drake

Visit July 15–August 20
2-6 pm

If you would like a PDF checklist of available work, email and we will send you one.

Jason Stopa, Orange Nude Architecture (After Matisse), 2022

Jason Stopa appears courtesy of Morgan Lehman Gallery.

Titles is organized by Phillip Niemeyer — The Gift by Lewis Hyde. Thanks to Connor Downs, Bucky Miller, and Mikila Zaorski.

Jan 20–Feb 19

Alyssa Taylor Wendt
Charles Degeyter
Christos Pathiakis
Emma Hadzi Antich
Jaime Zuverza

GOING DOWN delves passage to counter places and underworlds. In painting, photography, sculpture, taxidermy, and games the artists seek to rebalance the spirit and the flesh; to synthesize myth and experience.

an art show about hell holes

Of Portals and Peepholes: Northern-Southern’s ‘Going Down’ — Barbara Purcell for Glasstire

Photos by Tyeschea West

2-22 to 2-29

two over two

Phillip Niemeyer
& Friends

2/2 (“Two Over Two”) opened at the beginning of Pisces Season: 2-22-22 and closes on the day that would be 2-29 ( aka March 1).

Every day at 2:22 pm Phillip Niemeyer re-hung the show, often with Katherine Vaughn.

Friday, 2-25
2:22 pm — art is rearranged
hosted by Mark Fagan

Saturday, 2-26
2:22 pm — art is rearranged with dancer Katherine Vaughn
hosted by Beth Nottingham

Sunday, 2-27
2:22 pm — art is rearranged with dancer Katherine Vaughn
hosted by Phillip Niemeyer

Monday, 2-28
2:22 pm — art is rearranged and photographed by artist Amanda Julia Steinback. Those present could be subjects of the photos, as well.
hosted by Amanda Julia Steinback

Tuesday, 3-1
2:22 pm — art is rearranged for the last time.
4:44 pm — closing happy hour
hosted by Amanda Julia Steinback

Wednesday, 3-2
Artist Run Club Runception
6:30 am — art, one last time, with talk through by Phillip Niemeyer
7:00 am — Town (Ladybird) Lake Run
coffee and bananas

Katherine Vaughn & Phillip Niemeyer hanging 2/2 at 2:22, 2-24. Video grab by Stella Alesi
%, 2019, acrylic on wood panel, 24×24 inches, hang any way
Emma Hadzi Antich, Eye, 2021, acrylic and metal-leaf or gold leaf on a rock from Mont Sainte-Odile